Family Rites of Pruzhany Polesye Based on 2019 Field Data From Pruzhany Disctrict of Brest Region of Belorussia

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-48-4/130-148


  • Maria A. Andryunina Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


Polesye, field data, wedding, childbirth, traditional culture


The article presents folk narratives collected during recent field research in western Polesye (Brest province). This area is considered one of the most promising regions for cultural studies, as it has been populated since the Neolithic and according to archeological findings, there is a significant cultural continuity between ancient and modern population. This territory is also situated exactly at the “crossroads” between eastern and western Slavic areas which provides ample opportunities for cross-cultural, -religious and -tradition explorations. The article presents the first part of work containing descriptions of wedding and childbirth rites, along with the concerning beliefs, practices and folk terminology


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Traditions and Modernity