“Life” and “Death” of Historical Reconstruction Clubs in Modern Russia

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-48-4/120-129


  • Arina M. Sbitneva Russian State University for the Humanities


historical reenacting, historical clubs, the early Middle Ages, hierarchy, status, motivation


The article uses the methods of participant observation and ethnographic interviews. The purpose of the article is to study the social composition, internal structure and activity of the historical reconstruction clubs (HRC), using the example of the clubs in Moscow and the Moscow Region specialized in the early Middle Ages, to analyze the key to the successful existence of such clubs and the reasons for their collapse. Most of the HRC exist for no more than 5–7 years. Nevertheless, in Russia there are clubs that have “lived” for 25–30 years


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Traditions and Modernity