Ethno-social Situation and Interethnic Relations in Crimea

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-48-4/106-118


  • Olga V. Kulbachevskaya Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


ethno-social situation, national and ethnic identity, language situation, ethnocultural demands, migration intentions, interethnic relations


Based on the results of a mass survey and free interviews conducted by the author in The Republic of Crimea, the article analyzes the ethnic and social situation on the peninsula. The issues of national and ethnic identification, ethnocultural demands, and migration intentions of the residents of the republic are considered separately. Possible risks in the field of interethnic interaction are assessed, including the effect of an unfavorable social situation on the interethnic relations


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State Anthropology and Ethnomonitoring