The Results of Ethnological Monitoring in the Kaluga and Kostroma regions

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-48-4/44-55


  • Dmitry A. Kaunov Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS
  • Natalia A. Belova Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


ethnological monitoring, comparison, Central Federal District, Kaluga Region, Kostroma Region


The article presents the results of comparative ethnological monitoring conducted in 2019 in the Kaluga and Kostroma regions, based on the participant observation and analysis of official sources provided by the regional authorities, the media, social networks and primary field materials. The study revealed that the active public in both regions is concerned about the socio-economic and socio-political situation. There is a certain gap between the two regions in terms of socio-economic development, while criticism and dissatisfaction with the authorities are present to varying degrees and for various reasons in both the Kaluga and Kostroma regions. It was found that interethnic and religious relations are not the primary problem of these regions, but it is too early to claim interethnic and religious peace and prosperity – the situation needs to be further studied. In addition, one cannot ignore migration as an important factor of the hypothetical emergence of interethnic tension. In some places of these regions, there is a latent discontent with the influx of foreign migrants and concern about the alleged “cultural expansion” from the outside. In general, the concern for the people who are apparently different from the majority of the population manifests itself in the initial analysis, which is why it will be interesting to analyze the ethno-confessional situation next year more extensively using mass surveys in order to obtain representative data.
As our study showed, comprehensive comparative ethnological monitoring, based on methods of participant observation and field research, is effective in assessing the results of state national policies in the regions beyond the official sources of information


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State Anthropology and Ethnomonitoring