The Department of Ethnology in the scientific life of Lev Pavlovich Lashchuk

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-48-4/5-17


  • Victor V. Karlov Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Natalya P. Mironova Federal State Budgetary Institution of Education and Science, Komi Science Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


L.P. Lashuk, MSU Department of Ethnography, ethnography of Komi, academic career


The authors give an overview of the academic career of Professor L.P. Lashuk. He was one of the leading professors of the Department of Ethnography (now Ethnology) of Moscow State University in the 1960-1980-ies. L.P. Lashuk received his degree at the Department in 1950, having obtained high-quality training. This enabled him to work successfully and fruitfully until
1960 in Syktyvkar, at the Komi branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He obtained national recognition for contributing greatly to the development of ethnography of the peoples of the Komi Republic. Having returned to Moscow to work at the History Faculty of the Moscow State University, the scholar used his rich experience in the field, expanded his research interests, became one of the Russian leading ethnologists, founded his scientific school. The authors believe that the Department of Ethnology played a tremendous role in the formation of LP. Lashuk as a professional, one of the most prominent representatives of national science among "second generation" professors of the Department of Ethnography


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On the 80th anniversary of the Department of Ethnography, Faculty of History, Mo