The Echo of Kurban (An anthropological essay on sacrifice among the Gagauz)

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-47-3/204-221


  • Mikhail N. Guboglo Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


kurban, kurbanism, theories of origin, reflection (echo) of pre-Christian values, religious sociological resources, preservation of identity


The experience of describing sacrifices (the Kurban tradition) in the traditional culture of the Gagauz opens up a possibility for an anthropological exploration of its origin (ethnogenetic echo) and the prospects for the development of its repertoire (sociological echo) as a single scenario. Among the characters of this scenario there are the sacrifier, the one who receives the sacrifice, and the institute of public opinion (“insan maana bulmasyn”), which guarantees following the canonical norms of customary law and morality which set the rules of sacrifice as a gift and as a holiday.


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Traditions and Modernity