The Notion of Space as a Museum Studies Category

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-47-3/189-196


  • Lyubov N. Davydova Federal State Budgetary Institution «Russian Ethnographic Museum»


museum; museology; museum space; museum exposition; Russian Museum of Ethnography


The author proposes to address the phenomenon of space as a category of museology. An interdisciplinary analysis of space definitions from philosophical, cultural and museological perspectives is carried out. References to reliable sources and practical experience help to formulate the definition of exhibition space and to study the prospects of its implementation in modern projects in the museum architecture. As an example of creating a modern museum space, the author studies the site of the Russian Museum of Ethnography and the project of the Vasiliy Svinyin’s depositary (the beginning of the XX century) and its modern realization.


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