Russian Ballroom Culture: Europeanization and original traditions (sociocultural essay)

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-47-3/144-154


  • Tatyana N. Samarina Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


ball, ballroom dancing, Europeanization, fashion, costume history, nobility


Dance is definitely a cultural phenomenon. The well-known Russian historian Yuri Lotman outlined the concept of «culture» as a form of social communication between a group of people. Pair dancing is the best way to illustrate this statement. Dancing itself is the language of communication for a particular society. To be a full participant in such social intercourse, you must have the knowledge of the «language» of the group, follow the protocol of behavior and demonstrate membership / loyalty to the group. Dance is a non-verbal form of communication, built on the interaction of dancers in specific movements and symbolism of appearance and attributes. Ballroom dancing is a symbol of belonging to the nobility, participation in balls is a confirmation of loyalty to the ruling elite, the state.


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Dance ethnography