Current Situation and Prospects of Evidence-Based Medicine in Russia Assessed by Physicians and Patients

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-47-3/123-143


  • Natalia A. Vyatkina Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


evidence-based medicine, medical anthropology, sociology of medicine, physician, patient, Russian realities, Russian healthcare


The term «evidence-based medicine» is being increasingly used by various sources of information today, and becomes a discussion subject of professional communities and ordinary citizens. Apart from a brief insight into the origin and development of evidence-based medicine in the world and in Russia, the article deals with the anthropological analysis of the attitudes of the modern Russian physicians and patients towards both the understanding of the term and the current status, prospects and possible risks of the development of this discipline in our country. The views of respondents about the role of pharmaceutical companies, the state and the balance between the development and implementation of clinical guidelines and individual cases are considered. The article presents the arguments of patients about whether there is still a “physician blessed by God” and whether it is important for them that the person who they address for help works in the paradigm of evidence-based medicine. Physicians question whether healing itself is still an art, or evidence-based medicine has finally turned it into a business and well-organized mechanism, which could protect them from criminal prosecution in a critical situation.


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Anthropological mosaic