Female Peasant Crime in Russia (second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries)

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-47-3/10-21



peasant women, custom law, formal legislation, female criminal


The article is devoted to the main features of female peasant crime during the post-reform period in Russia. The importance of this problem flows from the parallels between the current state of Russian society, which still retains some transformed peasant values ​​and mentality, and the state of society at the boundary of XIX– XX centuries. The role of a woman in peasant life was as significant as the role of a man. The radical changes in the country in the post-reform period appear in a new light through the perspective of the female deviant behaviour, which contributes to a better understanding of Russia’s past and its impact on the present.


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Gender and Body in Culture