Natalya Pushkareva – Creator of the Russian School of Gender Studies in History and Ethnology

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-47-3/5-9


  • Rochelle G. Ruthchild Brandeis University
  • Veronica O. Shapovalova San Diego State University


women’s history, gender, gender studies, historiography


In a brief report by a well-known American historian is analysed the contribution of her Russian colleague Natalya Pushkareva to the creation of a new scientific direction – gender studies in ethnology and in the study of the past. The author substantiates the special role of an individual in the institutionalization of women’s and gender studies in Russian historiography, reflects on stages of the scientific biography of Natalya Pushkareva, foundation of a scientific school and her followers, united by common interests and intellectual identity.


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Gender and Body in Culture