Strategies for adaptation of children of foreign migrants at school

Doi: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-46-2/196-207


  • Elena A. Omelchenko Moscow State Pedagogical University


ethnic migrants, integration of migrants, linguistic, social and cultural adaptation, children from migrants’ families, interethnic relations, policy in the sphere of education


Due to the intensification of migration processes in the modern world and the Russian Federation’ participation in them the problem of adaptation and integration of ethnic migrants in the Russian society becomes more pressing.Nearly 36 million of school age children grow in the families of international migrants, and this number continues to grow. Education of such children is an important strategic priority and investment into the future of the whole world.
In the Russian Federation the problem of the adaptation of children from migrants’ families also becomes more and more relevant, especially in the sphere of education. In order to attract migrant children to Russian historic and cultural heritage, their mastering of rules in Russian society and learning Russian language it is essential to use the resources of educational system. In this article several technologies of linguistic, social and cultural adaptation of migrant families’ children,basing on Russian and foreign experience. The author also analyzes the possibility to use best practices of the foreign countries and Russian regions in this field


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Language and identity (By the year of indigenous languages)