«How much does a fish tail weigh?»: ethnicity and bureaucracy in traditional fishing in the Ob North

Doi: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-46-2/86-102


  • Elena A.  Pivneva Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


indigenous peoples of the Ob North, traditional fishing, measures of state support, ethnicity, bureaucracy


The article discusses the impact of government measures in regulating production of fish resources on daily life of fishing communities of the Ob North and on related public moods. The main conclusions are based on the data obtained during expeditionary works in Beloyarsky, Oktyabrsky and Berezovsky districts of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug–Ugra) and introduce indigenous peoples' opinions in scientific discourse. Associated normative documents, scientific literature and publications in the media were also used in the article.
The study identified positive and negative factors affecting the socio-economic condition of rural communities of the Ob North. It is noted that a wide system of state support has been formed in Yugra, which allows to promote the development of indigenous traditional economic activities including fishing. At the same time, in reality people faced many bureaucratic obstacles that impede realization of their legal rights and make them « involuntary poachers». Among such obstacles are: the declarative principle of granting rights to fish production; quotas for personal consumption; restrictions on fishing gear, species of fish and the timing of its catch; complicated procedure for accounting catch amount and reporting on it; selling problems; imperfection of legislative and regulatory framework on the basis of which traditional fishing is carried out.
Special attention is paid to identification of collisions related to the lack of documentary evidence of the Russian Federation citizens belonging to indigenous peoples. It makes difficult the implementation of their rights provided by the legislation and confuses environmental authorities, which are monitoring the legality of the extraction (catch) of water resources. Existing situation creates potential conflicts and requires corresponding changes in the current legislation.


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Ethnic economy and entrepreneurship in the North of Russia