The economy of reindeer farms in the north-west of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) in the XXI century: paternalism and independence



  • Evgeny V. Kaduk Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation


reindeer herding, dolgans, paternalism, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), market economy, entrepreneurship, adaptation, free places


Reindeer husbandry today occupies an important place in the policy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in relation to the regions of residence of the peoples of the North and also in the local municipal policy considered in the work of the Anabarsky district. The goals of the policy are to support and preserve the local culture and ensure the food security of the regions associated with reindeer herding. The reindeer breeders of Yuryung-Khaya today are building their economic strategies relying on the paternalistic policies pursued by the state, on the one hand, and actively using broader ties and entrepreneurial skills that were first demonstrated during the decline of the 1990s, on the other. In various contexts, ambivalence is manifested in the behavior of reindeer herders: alternating avoidance practices with the desire for greater autonomy and appeal to the authority of the state. Modern reindeer herders of Yuryung-Khaya to a greater or lesser extent use part of the available resources, not only to meet their primary needs, but also to improve their well-being and strengthen their household.


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Ethnic economy and entrepreneurship in the North of Russia