Ways of adaptation of the peoples of the North to the new economic and social realities of the mid-1980s – late 1990s (based on field research in the Koryak Autonomous district)

Doi: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-46-2/19-35


  • Elena P. Batanova Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS
  • Olga A. Murashko Museum of anthropology of Moscow state University


Koryak Autonomous Okrug, Kamchatka, Koryaks, Itelmen, perestroika, crisis, Association, reindeer herding, fishing, entrepreneurship


The article analyzes the processes of adaptation of the indigenous peoples of the North, living in the Koryak Autonomous district, to economic and social changes and shocks of the mid-1980s – late 1990s. There was a surge of national consciousness of indigenous peoples during the period of perestroika, which led to creation of associations, unions. This, in turn, caused the processes of revival of their ethnic cultures: language, traditional customs, rituals, folklore. Economic and spiritual crisis associated with the collapse of the Soviet system manifested itself in the collapse of the most important economic sectors of indigenous peoples – reindeer husbandry and fishing, in a sharp drop in living standards, increasing morbidity and mortality, reducing the population. The article analyses ways to overcome the economic and spiritual crisis, including active legislative activity of local authorities with the assistance of indigenous public organizations, development of new forms of management, creation of funds to support the indigenous small-numbered peoples, the use of natural resources of the area, fundrising. Attention is drawn to the greater social activity of indigenous peoples in crisis, their use of legal factors to defend collective interests, their cooperation with international organizations. It is noted that, despite the effectiveness of the measures taken to overcome the crisis, its negative consequences are felt to date. The article is based on the authors’ field materials, archival data, newspaper publications.


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Ethnic economy and entrepreneurship in the North of Russia