Everyday and ceremonial greeting etiquette of the Karakalpak

Doi: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-45-1/88-104


  • Madiyar B. Utebayev Karakalpak research Institute of Humanities Karakalpak Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan


ethnography, Karakalpaks, etiquette, greeting, norm, custom, worship, handshake


The article analyzes the traditional etiquette of Karakalpaks. Special attention is paid to the customs of greeting on meeting and when performing some ceremonial activities. In both cases, the Karakalpak etiquette is based on the moral attitudes and habits of a traditional society. As with other peoples of Central Asia, the principles of age and gender differentiation and reverence for elders come to the fore. Greeting rituals are addressed to the elders and those who have higher social status, taking place within the framework of the institution of hospitality, as a principle of tolerance and benevolence characteristic of the daily and ceremonial life of the people


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Anthropological mosaic