On the semantic shift in the meanings of the words house, village, city in the Nenets language

Doi: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-45-1/67-79


  • Yuri N. Kvashnin Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


tundra Nenets, tchum, camp, house, settlement, city, semantic shift


The article studies the problems of a semantic shift in the meanings of the words “house”, “village”, “city” in the Nenets language. Based on descriptions extracted from dictionaries and historical and ethnographic works, it was established that the Nenets used the words “dwelling” and “settlement” exclusively for traditional tchums and campsites. During the historical processes that took place over the centuries on the territory of the Nenets, wide contacts with Russian settlers, they did not directly borrow Russian words for their language, but rather began to use Nenets words for stationary houses and villages. In these examples, we can observe how the language adapts the traditional words and concepts in a constantly changing environment.

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Anthropological mosaic