Local integration of diverse communities as a field of anthropological experiments (the case of Moscow)

Doi: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-45-1/54-66


  • Igor S.  Savin  Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


integration of diverse local communities, intercommunity day-to-day interaction, community organizers, management of intercommunity communication


The aim of article is to represent activities carried out within the project on local integration between diverse (including migrant) communities as stages of an anthropological experiment. In the focus of the analysis are not only the criteria to compare applied activity and anthropological experiment but also practical recommendations on how to improve intercommunity interactions in the local context of one particular yard in Moscow. Among these recommendations there are: to combine the goals of intercommunity integration with the day-to-day needs of local people, to try to avoid integration for the sake of integration itself and not for realization of life strategies of community members. For successful integration of migrants it is also essential to exploit practices and institutes of self-government that already exist among the old residents.

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Experimental anthropology