Messages in a Bottle: Experimentality of Russian anthropology in the early 21st century

Doi: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-45-1/20-24


  • Roman N. Ignatiev Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


Experimental anthropology, Anthropology, , science development, new projects, Visualization.


The author, who is the pioneer of the "experimental approach" in Russian anthropology, explains its causes and makes a review of the articles published by the participants of the First International Conference “Experiments and Experimentality in Anthropology and Interdisciplinary Studies | MAYDAY 2018” (Moscow, May 15-16, 2018). These are anthropologists' reflections about the ways of advancement of the discipline. According to them, it's possible to implement continuity and balance the old and the new. At the same time, the capacity of academic researchers seems to be sufficient for new ambitious projects.


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Experimental anthropology