On the Modern Russian Mentality: The Connection Between the Present and the Future
DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2023-4/7-19
arrow of time, images of the future, Russian civilization, Russian mentality, Russian model of developmentAbstract
The article is devoted to such aspects of Russian mentality as the perception of the arrow of time and the idea of what the country should become in the future. The empirical basis of the study was the results of sociological surveys conducted since 2000 by various research centers and research teams. As noted in the article, among the qualities that Russia of the future should ideally possess, most Russians mention social justice, overcoming corruption, mitigating social inequalities, transition to innovative economy, strengthening the country’s international positions. The article makes an emphasis on the way the images of the future Russia are connected with the paradigm of civilizational development and the content of the Russian global project. In this context, the author characterizes the Russian way to future as a traditionalist modernization, while showing that modern Russian traditionalism does not oppose the idea of progress, but uses traditions as a basis for further development.