Regional Aspects of Demographic Modernization of the Buryat Population: Case of Irkutsk and Chita regions in the second half of the XXth – beginning of the XXIst centuries

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-50-2/241-254


  • Victoria V. Lygdenova Institute of Archeology and Ethnography Siberian Branch of RAS
  • Odon В. Dashinamzhilov Institute of History Siberian Branch of RAS


Buryats, Chita region, Irkutsk region, peoples of Siberia, dynamics of population, demographic transition, ethnical demography


The paper studies the demographic transition among the Buryats in Irkutsk and Chita regions in 1959-2010-s. The authors consider influence of social, economic, historical and cultural processes on demographic dynamics of the Buryat population in these regions and compare it with demographic situation in Buryat Social Soviet Republic (later Republic of Buryatia). The article focuses on territorial differences in number of inhabitants, vital statistics and pace of demographic modernization of the Buryats in the Irkutsk and Chita regions. Results of the research confirmed that intensity of demographic transition among the Buryats was different though this process had many similarities in all areas of primary settlement. In all the three regions it corresponds to a “Japanese-Mexican” model that is typical for societies with catching-up economies. The differences appeared mainly due to specific historical development of Irkutsk and Chita regions in the XXth century.
Demographic development of the Buryats in Predbaykalye was influenced by historically tight contacts with Russian population. It resulted in intensive development of agriculture and Russian language dissemination. Besides, Irkutsk region historically was one of the most industrially developed regions of Siberia. All these factors had indirect impact on social and educational composition, cultural development and reproductive processes of the Buryatian population. Demographic transition went slower in Chita region. In Irkutsk region it was first much faster than in the Republic of Buryatia but since the middle of the 1970-s the pace of demographic transition has been equal there.


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Regions, Population, Demography