Identity of the Young People on the Borderland of Belarus and Russia

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-50-2/225-240


  • Regina A. Grigorieva Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


Belarusian-Russian borderland, ethnic identity, identity structure, national identity, state, border.


This article presents the results of research on various identities (ethnic, national and other) of high school students in the conditions of weak ethno-cultural differentiation of neighboring nations. The study was conducted on both sides of the state border of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. The sample consisted of 641 students aged 16-18 from 12 secondary schools in the Belarusian borderland and 669 students from 14 secondary schools in the Russian borderland.
As research showed, identification with one’s own ethnic group (in this case, Russians and Belarusians) is mainly based on territorial factor: the state in which the young person was born and (or) lives. These two indicators are the first and the second most frequently chosen arguments when determining one’s ethnic affiliation. The “language” and nationality of parents were also significant, although to a lesser extent.
Research on the structure of young people’s identities has revealed the increasing role of national identity. However, its significance on the Russian border is higher than on the Belarusian border. Based on the obtained research results, it is concluded that in conditions of weak ethno-cultural differentiation, the vector of identity formation is shifted towards national identity. At the same time, the importance of ethnic identity remains.


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Anthropological mosaic