Biodemographical aspects of adaptation of the Italian diaspora in Kerch
DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-50-2/176-191
demography, migration flows, migrants, historical essay, field research, Crimean Italians, Kerch, Apennine Peninsula, Italy, CrimeaAbstract
After a brief historical introduction about the origins of the modern diaspora of the “Crimean Italians”, the article describes the results of a comprehensive social and biodemographic analysis conducted among the modern representatives of the group, based on a questionnaire designed for this study.
The data collected during several expeditions to Crimea and Italy (2016–2019) are being published for the first time. The modern Italians of Crimea are the descendants of Italian migrants who arrived from the Apennine Peninsula in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov regions – to the Crimean peninsula in particular – with different migration flows, which took place among the end of the 18th–the beginning of the 20th cc.
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