Anthropological Analysis of the Bronze Age Burials from Kurgan 1 of the Bogomolniye Peski Burial Ground

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-50-2/137-161


  • Galina A. Aksyanova Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS
  • Marina P. Rykun Tomsk State University
  • Alisa A. Zograf Tomsk State University


Lower Volga, Bronze Age, osteology, osteoscopy, proportions and massiveness of the bones, paleodiet


The article focuses on the study of paleoanthropological material from the Lower Volga region, dating back to the Bronze Age. The article provides detailed results of the study of the postcranial skeleton as well as results of the isotope analysis. The study revealed that the Bronze Age diet on this territory was mainly based on poultry and predatory fish. In addition, the isotopic analysis showed that meat played a more important role for children’s diet than for adult’s one. The morphological analysis of the postcranial skeleton revealed that the humerus was relatively long in this population. The reconstructed length of living men’s body resulted above-average.


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Physical anthropology