240 Years on Russian Soil (The history of the town of New Nakhichevan founded by Armenian settlers)

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-50-2/26-46


  • Alla E. Ter-Sarkisyants Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


Armenian settlers, new town, intensive trade, crafts, industry, cultural objects


The article is devoted to the history of a settlement founded in 1779 by Armenian settlers relocated by an order of Catherine the Great from Crimea to Russia, They were granted – various privileges and the new town was successfully developing due to an intensive trade, crafts and industries, charity activities, that favoured an extensive construction of schools, churches, a theatre, a museum and other cultural institutions. As result it became one of important economic and cultural centers in the South of Russia. However in December 1928 it was merged with the neighbouring and rapidly developing city of Rostov-Don. First it retained the original name Nakhichevanski as a district within the city of Rostov, but in 1929 it was given a rather meaningless name Proletarski district. Thus the historical name of the town where the national way of life prevailed and many outstanding Armenians had been born gradually disappeared and later the population considerably suffered in stalinist purges of 1920–1930-s. Today the Armenians of the Don Basin show more and more interest to the history and begin to demand a restoration of the original name of the town. This would be an act of a great moral value.


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