About the Journal

The Herald of Anthropology (Vestnik Antropologii) is a journal of scholarship started by the Academic Board of the Russian Academy of Science N.N. Miklukho-Maklay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology  on March 20, 2014 and incorporated officially as a mass media outlet on May 7, 2015 (registration No. PI FS77-61734).
Having inherited the title of the scholarly almanac previously published (since 1996 till 2013, No. 1-23) by the IEA RAS Center for Physical Anthropology, the journal now covers a much wider range of themes, focusing on all the various prospects of anthropology broadly defined. Its aim is to reflect the modern trends in ethnology/anthropology, which include in particular the widening area of research and methodological approaches, as well as cross-disciplinary projects.

The objective set by the Herald of Anthropology is to promote the development of fundamental knowledge in the field of sociocultural and physical (biological) anthropology in such focal areas as scientific theory and history of science, modern methods of obtaining and presenting research results, (co)evolution of human communities and cultural forms, population-genetic and ethological studies, the phenomenon of ethnicity, interethnic interactions and ethnic policies, migration and demography of culturally complex societies, urban anthropology and everyday life, anthropology of religions, linguistic anthropology, medical anthropology, gender studies, sociology, cross-cultural psychology, social ecology and ethnological expert evaluation.

The geographical scope of publications is unlimited. The journal welcomes articles from scholars from all over the world, and the texts can be published in Russian or English. Keywords and reference information for articles written in Russian are accompanied with an English translation, which facilitates the expansion of the authorship and readership and the promotion of international cooperation.

The journal is open to new authors and exchange of views. The high quality of the published analytical texts is ensured by double-blind review of the submissions.

The Herald of Anthropology is part of and indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI on the Web of Science platform, see https://www.elibrary.ru/). Its publications are registered with Crossref, the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Registration Agency. By the order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (No. 21-p of 12/02/2019), the Herald of Anthropology is included in the List of Peer-reviewed Scientific Journals recommended for publishing scientific results of theses for Candidate and Doctoral scientific degrees.

Herald of Anthropology employs a combined publisher’s business model: “Subscription – for print, Open Access – for online, no Article Processing Charge (APC) – for authors. Publication costs are contributed by founder.

The average manuscript turnaround time of the serial publication – 10 months.

The average manuscript acceptance rate – 50%.

Issues release dates:
No. 1 until April 1
No. 2 until July 1
No. 3 until October 1
No. 4 until December 25

Publication frequency: 4 issues per year.

Publisher and founder of the journal: N.N. Miklukho-Maklai Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology

Address: Russian Federation, 119991 Moscow, Leninskiy prospect, 32A

There are no charges for articles processing. Access to full-text versions of the Journal is free of any charges.

Web: http://journals.iea.ras.ru/index.php/vestantrop