Sultan economics in the Lbischensky District of the Ural Region at the beginning of the XX century


  • Marat Maksutovich Kappasov


кочевники, султаны, скотоводство, земледелие, сенокошение, батрачество, промыслы


The purpose of this article is to show, on the example of several groups of the Lubishchensk district, the economic situation of sultans in the cadastral source "Materials on Kyrgyz land use collected and developed by the statistical party of the Turgal-Urals resettlement region" in 1912.

In the article the author considers the groups headed by the sultans, the number of the population, including, in them, how many of them are men, women, children and older people; the number of farms and the cash they hold, livestock; the number of cattle per one nomadic nomad; amount of planted and harvested millet crop; crafts; farm labor, etc. The article based on statistical data and historical sources, shows the role of agriculture in a nomadic society.


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Author Biography

  • Marat Maksutovich Kappasov
    • history teacher






Anthropological mosaic