трансляционная медицина, аномалии, семантика, социотехническая ситуация, легитимация и диффузия, множественность, технонаукаAbstract
The article reviews the model of functioning of translational medicine as an area of technoscience. Translation, that is the path of artifacts, knowledge, and practices from the laboratory bench to the patient's bedside, implies a combination of legitimation and reproduction of a new class of sociotechnical situations. A sociotechnical situation is understood as a combination of two elements: a certain class of problems recognized as a legitimate part of biomedicine, and a certain class of artifacts (products of technoscientific activity) that can be used to solve these problems. In the process, a new class of artifacts can be legitimized to solve the “stabilized” class of problems. E. g., when a new pharmaceutical agent is licensed for the treatment of a condition recognized by the biomedical community.