Information For Authors

The requirements were changed starting issue 6.

The journal is issued in two languages – Russian and English; the original texts should thus be submitted either in Russian or English, as chosen by the author (authors). In the second language, the author may provide either a complete or a partial translation (the minimum is a detailed resume of 2-3 pages, i. e. 500-800 words).

Articles are accepted in electronic format. The text should be saved in Microsoft Word format (DOC), using Times New Roman font, size 14 pt, interline spacing 1, with no paragraph indent, left alignment, 10 pt spacing between paragraphs.


All manuscripts should be thoroughly edited and proofread. Translated texts should be edited by a native speaker of the chosen language.

The editorial board accepts texts in Russian and English in Microsoft Word + PDF formats:

  • Articles (up to 80 000 symbols with spaces per submission)

  • Reviews (up to 40 000 symbols)

  • Interviews (up to 60 000 symbols)

  • Discussions (including responses; up to 20 000 symbols)

  • Materials (up to 80 000 symbols)

The manuscripts in both languages should be submitted at, with the following information on the author/authors included:

  • Full name

  • Academic degree

  • Academic rank

  • Academic position and affiliation

  • Contact email and phone number

  • Academic interests

  • Photograph in JPG format for the “Authors” section (at least 300x300 pixels)

All illustrative materials (photographs, charts, tables) should be sent as attachments, in JPG format. The file name should be in Latin characters, e. g. table_1.jpg. We will not accept additional materials without the permission of a copyright holder.

In case additional specific fonts are used in the text, these should also be sent as attachments.

The manuscript should include the author’s name (e.g.: A.I. Petrov, J. Smith), the title of the article (in the manuscript’s language).

The following segments should be included after the main text:

  • References

  • List of sources

  • List of abbreviations

Also submitted as separate files, in both languages, should be:

  • Abstracts (200-300 words)

  • Keywords (10-15 words)

While formatting the text:

  • Do not use automatic hyphenation;

  • Do not use automatic references/notes; they should be made manually and included in-between the main text and “References” segment;

  • Do not use additional spaces before and after paragraphs.

When submitting the files, please include all the materials (title page, main text, additional fonts, illustrations, list of illustrations, list of abbreviations, etc.) in a single archive (created using WinZip or WinRar; e.g. or Ivanov.rar).


1) A reference should be formatted following this pattern: (Dobkin de Rios 2009: 171), (Бахтин 1965: 105).

2) If you refer multiple works by the same author, which were published in the same year, add Latin letters a, b, c, etc. after the year: (Леви-Стросс 1994а: 56).

3) If a publication or text were published without a particular author’s name, you should write in brackets the first several words of the title and the year, followed by a colon and the number of the quoted page: (AAA Annual Report 2014: 26).

4) If the reference source has more than two authors, the reference should be formatted in the following way:

– for texts in Russian (Чурикова, Иванов и др. 2013: 27);

– for texts in other languages (Ross, Olson et al. 2003: 824).

5) While citing several resources, separate them with a semicolon (Леви-Стросс 1994а; Бурдье 2001).

6) When referring to several publications of the same author, his/her name should not be repeated, while the years of publications are separated by a comma and a space (Батьянова 1987, 2005).

7) References in the Russian edition are made in the original language but the author's first and last name are written in Russian:

“…Как показал Мишель Фуко, с конца XVIII в. медицинские и социальные институты стали частью более широкой системы «биовласти» (Foucault 2003).”

8) If the year of the publication is unknown, you should write “n/a”, or “in print” for texts accepted for publication: (Ivanov n/a) and (Petrov in print).

9) Ranges of pages and dates should be given with an en dash: 99–102, 1985–1990.

10) In the page ranges, page numbers should be given in full: 124–128, not 124–28.


The author should make two lists reference lists (only works referred to in the manuscript are included): a regular list and a list transliterated into Latin alphabet and complemented by translation into English, as well as a list of sources.

The first list is included after the main text under the title “References”. It includes all Russian sources in Cyrillic letters (in alphabetic order), next to all foreign sources in their original languages: first in Cyrillic alphabet (Slavic languages), next in Latin alphabet (from A to Z), as well as other alphabets.


1) Monographs or articles collection

Головлева, Е.Л., Дубовицкий, В.В., Женев, М. (2006) Основы межкультурной коммуникации, М.: Издательство Московского гуманитарного университета.

Бурдье, П. (2001) Практический смысл, СПб.: Алетейя.

Kleinman, A. (1981) Patients and Healers in the Context of Culture. An Exploration of the Borderland between Anthropology, Medicine, and Psychiatry, University of California Press.

2) Article or another type of text/part of text in collection or monograph

Готлиб, А.С. (2015) Аффилиация вокруг пациента в российском региональном онкологическом центре: опыт авто-этнографического социологического исследования. В.И. Харитонова (ред.), Труды по медицинской антропологии, М.: ИЭА РАН, с. 93–103.

Sinclair, K.P. (1990) Tangi: Funeral Rituals and the Construction of Maori Identity. J. Linnekin and L. Poyer (eds.), Cultural Identity and Ethnicity in the Pacific, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, p. 219–236.

3) Journal article

Тищенко, П.Д. (1994) Свод этических правил проведения клинических испытаний и медико-биологических экспериментов на человеке, Вопросы философии, № 3, с. 91–94.

Urban, G. (1998) Ritual wailing in Amerindian Brazil, American Anthropologist, Vol. 90 No.2, p. 385–400.

4) Internet resource

ВОЗ (2010) Антиретровирусная терапия ВИЧ-инфекции у взрослых и подростков. ( (01.03.2016).

United Nations (2016) Sustainable Development Goals. ( (01.03.2016).

The reference list in the original languages is followed by a transliterated list entitled “References”. For this list, all bibliographic data using Cyrillic letters (Russian and other Slavic languages) and other non-Latin alphabets should be transliterated using the Latin alphabet. All data (except authors’ full name) also need to be translated into English, e. g.:

Gorshunova, O.V. (2006) Uzbekskaia zhenshchina: sotsial’nyi status, sem’ia, religiia. Po materialam Ferganskoi doliny [Uzbek woman: social status, family, religion. On materials drown from the Ferghana Valley], Moscow: IEA RAN.

Mikhel’, D.V. (2011) Medikalizatsiia kak sotsial’nyi fenomen [Medicalization as a social phenomenon], Vestnik Saratovskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta [Annals of Saratov State Technical University], Vol. 2 No.4, p. 256–263.

Berdysheva, E.S. (2011) Rynok i professiia v stomatologii: logika tsenoobrazovaniia v chastnykh klinikakh Moskvy [Market and profession in dentistry: logics of pricing policy in private clinics in Moscow]. P.V. Romanov, E.R. Iarskaia-Smirnova (eds.), Antropologiia professii, ili postoronnim vkhod razreshen [Anthropology of Professions, or not personnel only], Moscow: Variant: p. 188–216.

You can use this website for transliteration: Choose LC (Library of Congress) method.

The last and first names of foreign authors, as well as other proper nouns, should not be transliterated but, instead, given in their original spelling (e. g., Foucault, not Fuko; Bourdieu, not Burd’e).

The second list of sources, including transliterated Russian and original foreign sources, should be sorted differently from the first one – alphabetically, from A to Z.

If the article only includes sources that can be written exclusively in the Latin alphabet, the two lists, “Библиография” and “References” are united.

Sources (archive and field data) should be listed separately, after “References”, e. g.:


Field Data 1 (2016) According to Ivanov I.I., 1929 y/b, Ostashevo, Volokolamsk region, Moscow area.

AMAE (2005) file 1, op. 2, # 1880b Kostroma region, Nerekhta.

After Bibliography and Sources, please, give the list of all abbreviations used in the article:

AMAE – Archive of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography.

AFM – Author’s field materials

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