Publication Ethics

In our publication activities we are guided by the Code of Conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics.

  • The Journal “Medical Anthropology and Bioethics” (MAiB) considers for publication original theoretical and empirical papers that have not been previously published.
  • Manuscripts are considered regardless ofrace, nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, or religion of the authors.
  • When agreeing to publish their manuscript, the authors reserve the copyright. Meanwhile, they confer the Journal a right of first publication under conditions of the license Creative Commons Attribution License, which gives other authors a right to distribute this paper making sure they make all necessary citations to the author(s) of the original paper and the original publication in this Journal.
  • Suggesting a manuscript for publication in the Journal, you guarantee that:
    • the article was never published before and will not be submitted to another journal before it is either accepted or rejected by “MAiB”;
    • you personally are the author of the manuscript, and you have not used in it fragments from works of other authors without due reference to their original sources.
  • Manuscripts submitted to “MAiB” undergo a peer-review process; reviews submitted by the authors are not considered or accepted. The Journal uses double-blinded peer reviewsystem for expert evaluation of papers and materials received by the Editorial Board. As reviewers we enroll leading Russian and foreign researchers who have publications thematically related to the subject matter of the manuscript. The texts are anonymized before submission for review. The Journal allows for publication those manuscripts which have received two positive reviews, or, in disputed cases, two positive reviewsout of three. When necessary we send papers for correction with comments and feedback from anonymous reviewers. In case the text does not comply with the level of the Journal’s requirements, the author(s) are sent a substantiated refusal.
  • Publication is free for the author(s).
  • To get permission to re-print the whole article or a part of it, the author(s) need to negotiate this decision with the Editorial Board of the Journal.