Ideas of the Ob Ugrians about the causes of diseases (based on the materials of K.F. Karjalainen and P. Yaasalmi-Kruger)


  • Татьяна Волдина


Ob Ugrians, folk medicine, names of diseases, mythological ideas about diseases, spirits of diseases, mythological ideas about the causes of diseases


To understand the origins of folk beliefs and the genesis of the traditions of folk medicine of the Khanty and Mansi peoples, research conducted during their active existence is important. These include the work of the late XIX – early XX centuries by the Finnish scientist K.F. Karjalainen, dedicated to the beliefs and customs of the indigenous peoples of Ugra. He found that most of the diseases in the ideas of the Ob Ugrians had a supernatural origin, since in their opinion they were caused by certain spirits – beings who lived in the lower world, ruled by the god of death and disease. In order to prevent threatening dangers or eliminate illness, it was considered important to propitiate him and the spirits serving him. However, the personified spirits of diseases have lost their meaning over time and are forgotten.

In the study of P. Jaasalmi-Kruger, the data of K.F. Karjalainen were significantly supplemented. The emergence of diseases was also seen by the Ob Ugrians in violation of certain attitudes and taboos by people. For health and long life, it is important to observe traditions and preventive measures. Great importance was given to maintaining the harmonious states of the soul-breath and soul-shadow of a person.





SCIENCE / Materials