традиционные медицинские системы (ТМС), традиционная китайская медицина (ТКМ), профессиональные специалисты ТКМ, подготовка (образование) специалистов ТКМ, университетское образование, специалисты ТКМ в России, ТКМ в западных странах, международное сотрудничество, образование и наука в сфере ТКМAbstract
This article examines the functioning of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in China, to evaluate the possible development and promotion of these services in the Western market, as well as the World Health Organization's (WHO) role in this process. The authors focus on the problem of TCM specialists' training in China - for work within their country and elsewhere in the world, as well as on the problem of university education for foreign specialists. The issue of Russian-Chinese cooperation is touched upon, in particular in terms of development and expansion of TCM in the Russian Federation, and organizing the process of TCM specialists' training for Russia. As a concrete example of such cooperation, the authors analyze the work of the Center for Development and Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Moscow).