
  • Kalandarov T.S. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS
  • Bakhromov M.
  • Jonbekov J. Research Center "PRISMA"
  • Shirinbek F. Research Center "PRISMA"


migration, Tajiks, migration study, sexual life, condoms


The paper explores the topic of leisure activities of Tajikistan labor migrants in Russia. The study was conducted by the interdisciplinary research team from Russia and Tajikistan. The paper provides general overview and analysis of health problems of migrants in the context of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, etc. Research was based on survey polls and in-depth interviews with migrants and their permanent sexual partners in Moscow. Authors provide their recommendations on the governmental authorities, public unions, diaspora regarding HIV/AIDS protection measures among labor migrants, their sexual partners in Russia and their wives who stay in Tajikistan.


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Author Biographies

  • Kalandarov T.S., Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS

    Academic degrees, membership in the RAS:

    • Candidate of Historical Sciences
    • Senior Researcher
  • Jonbekov J., Research Center "PRISMA"

    Academic degrees, membership in the RAS:

    • Master in Economics
    • scientific assistant
  • Shirinbek F., Research Center "PRISMA"

    Academic degrees, membership in the RAS:

    • Journalist (student of the Faculty of Journalism)
    • Scientific assistant





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