healer, Ung Plains, Hungary, stigma, community, traditions, superstitions, magic, sources of healer’s knowledge, rural medicine, scientific medicine.Abstract
The present study investigates the activities of a healer woman whom we met during our field work in the Ung Plains. The person of our study is different from the other healers of the sub-region as her reputation has gone beyond the limits of her village and reached the majority of ethnic Hungarian villages. She began to deal with magic healing upon an extraordinary life situation (the illness of her husband and child), then she became aware of her predestination from birth, being the seventh child of the family. This fact played a key role in her willingness to accept this role and soon she became the healer of the village. Her reputation was due to her “predestination” from birth, her strong influential personality, good communication skills and last but not least, her proficiency in magic therapies.
Her view of the world is based on a complex set of beliefs, her way of thinking and her healing practice are shaped accordingly and they fit closely into Hungarian traditions of a similar nature. In the course of her treatments the cause and effect relationships are partly rational, partly based on beliefs. The causes of the diseases that we see as magical, in her mind and imagination are all real, even though she knows about the theory of sepsis and asepsis. She applies the latter in her practice as well.
Her knowledge comes from multiple sources: she learned the basics of magic and archaic therapies from her family indirectly, but she also learned from her environment, her neighbours of different ethnicities and also from her colleagues. She gathered the most recent information from reference books, Hungarian and foreign language written and electronic media. Her knowledge is made up of both rational and magical elements, which are manifested alternately or simultaneously in the healing process. She applies medicinal plants, heat therapy, hydrotherapy, inhalation therapy and also manual therapy in her treatments. Her family is very supportive in her calling, her close and broader environment appreciates her medical knowledge, turns to her for help. Thus we can say there is a receptive segment of the ethnic Hungarian population of the region which demands such kind of healing activity. In this case, the argument that has been already proven by ethnographic research as well, that is, rural healers can exist where the community has a demand for them is also valid.
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