
  • Iljina I.V. Institute of Language, Literature and History of Komi Scientific Center, Ural Branch of the RAS


folk medicine, phytotherapy, pharmacopoeia, Nenets, Komi, Russians, medicines, plants, myological views, health improvement, biotechnologists, folk traditions


This article presents data on natural products used by the indigenous and old-timer population of the European North-East for the prevention and treatment of emerging physical and mental health disorders. It also examines the first results of the study of these medicines by biotechnologists engaged in the development of adaptogenic medicinal products.


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Author Biography

  • Iljina I.V., Institute of Language, Literature and History of Komi Scientific Center, Ural Branch of the RAS

    Academic degrees: 

    • Ph.D. (History) (1983)

    Current employment, position: 

    • Leading researcher 





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