
  • Anastasova E. Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Science


spells, healing words, authentic archival texts, verbal magic methods, charms and amulets, Christian pseudography, ritualistic dialogues, church songs, medical diagnostics, International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)


In the article, the readers can find analysis of a large collection of Estonian spells, or healing words, which was compiled and published by the famous folklorist and ethnographer Mare Koiva. The main parts of the anthology and its analytical section were reviewed. Special attention is paid to examination and analysis of the hierarchic structure of folk medical terminology related to various diseases. Also emphasized is a peculiar mode of working with folk medicine, applied in folkloristics for the first time: the author/compiler associated folk names and descriptions of diseases with professional medical diagnostics based on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Mare Koiva reviewed spells in different languages and emphasized peculiarities of translations and adaptations to local specifics. Christian elements in the spell tradition were pointed out. The sphere of analysis also includes amulets and charms, as well as other objects of spell practice.

Citation link:

Anastasova Ye. (2019) Estonian Spells. Healing Words: Publication Experience [Jestonskie zagovory, lechebnye slova: opyt izdanija]. Medical Anthropology and Bioethics [Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika], 2 (18).


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Author Biography

  • Anastasova E., Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Science

    Ph. D., works as an Аssociate Рrofessor at the Balkan Ethnology Department of the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Science (Sofia).





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