Romanian Journal of Bioethics


  • ASTARASTO V. University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi
  • IOAN B. University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi
  • JAN IOV C. Journal of Bioethics


bioethics, Romanian bioethics, clinical ethics, research ethics


The authors tell the story of creation of Romanian Journal of Bioethics, which 1st issue saw the light in Iasi in 2003. The Journal was demanded both by specialists in this field, and by the society at large: it has been giving information on ethics in life sciences and biomedical studies. It publishes multidisciplinary articles from scholars around the world (Australia, Italy, USA, Romania) in Romanian and English. In January 2007 Romanian Journal of Bioethics was ISI indexed by Thomson Scientific in Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition şi Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, with a reported impact factor of 0.48.





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