Going Native in the Peruvian Amazon: the Anthropologist as Fortuneteller


  • Dobkin de Rios M. California State University


Peruvian Amazon, Iquitos, naipes, ethnoprojective device, emotional expression, psychotherapy, suggestibility


Marlene Dobkin de Rios, a recognized anthropologist who has been studying for many years the traditional healing practices using plant hallucinogens in the Peruvian Amazon, this time describes her auto-ethnographic experience of working as a fortune-teller in the native Peruvian community. She analyses her experience through the lens of modern theories of emotions and hypnotic states, arriving to the conclusion that we need not call upon metaphysical explanations for the power of fortunetelling: simply we must understand the context and the players.


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Author Biography

  • Dobkin de Rios M., California State University

    Academic degrees: 

    • Ph.D., Anthropology (1972)


    • NIMH Post-Doctoral Fellow (1975-6, 1977)
    • D. Anthropology, University of California, Riverside (1972)
    • A. Anthropology, New York University (1962)
    • A. Psychology, Queens College, City University of New York (1959)

    Current employment, position: Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, California State University, Fullerton






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