The final results of the 3d All-Russian international conference “Development of traditional medicine in Russia”. August, 20-22, 2011, Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia


  • Mikheeva A.K. Republican Clinical Hospital of Rehabilitation Treatment «Center of Oriental medicine»
  • Bartanov A.I. Republican Clinical Hospital of Rehabilitation Treatment «Center of Oriental medicine»
  • Nikolaev S.M. Institute of General and Experimental Biology, SB RAS
  • Aseeva T.A. Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS
  • Boronoev V.V.
  • TURTUEV Tz.D. Republican Clinical Hospital of Rehabilitation Treatment «Center of Oriental medicine»
  • SARIEVA B.S. Republican Clinical Hospital of Rehabilitation Treatment «Center of Oriental medicine»
  • Bartanova E.A. Republican Clinical Hospital of Rehabilitation Treatment «Center of Oriental medicine»


Traditional Oriental medicine, clinical practice, Center of Oriental Medicine, Republic of Buryatia, Ministry of Health, phytotherapy, chiropractic, reflexotherapy, homeopathy, hirudotherapy, Qigong, yoga, rehabilitation medicine, pulse diagnostics


 In this material the authors analyze results of the conference “Development of traditional medicine in Russia”. The speakers addressed theoretical and practical aspects of traditional medicine, perspectives of ancient healing traditions and modern healthcare integration. Scholars from different countries of the world attended this event. During the first day theoretical talks paved the way for further discussion (described in detail in the Russian text). Next day the participants went to Lake Baikal, to the Clinic of rehabilitation treatment. During the conference the members attended seminars on traditional medicine, presented various healing methods, as well as diagnostic and treatment equipment. They concluded agreements on inter-regional and international cooperation in the realm of traditional medicine.

As a result of the conference the members approved a draft resolution which stated the directions of further activities related to development of traditional medicine in Russia: creation of a special program on the level of Buryatian government, formation of Association of traditional medicine doctors of Buryatia.

Author Biography

  • Bartanova E.A., Republican Clinical Hospital of Rehabilitation Treatment «Center of Oriental medicine»

    PhD of Medical Sciences, Deputy Chief Physician for Organizational and Methodological Work of Republican Clinical Hospital of Rehabilitation Treatment «Center of Oriental medicine»





SCIENCE / Materials