Vaccination in the Context of Bioethics (summary)


  • Ozhiganova А.А. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


vaccination, bioethics, conflict, discussion, homeopathy, virology, infectious diseases, immunization, postvaccinal complications


The article analyzes the situation of children vaccination, developed in recent decades: according to   surveys in relation to vaccination Russian society is divided into approximately equal number of opponents of vaccination, supporters of vaccination and oscillating middle. There is formed an “antivaccination movement” as a form of medical dissidence. The author considers the opposite points of view, emphasized that vaccination is just one of the practices of biomedicine in which the individual becomes the object of standard procedures.


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Author Biography

  • Ozhiganova А.А., Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS

    Academic degrees: 

    • Ph.D. in Anthropology

    Current employment, position: 

    • Researcher IEA RAS





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