Medical Anthropology In The Genre Of Coursebook



  • Buldakova Yu.R. Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry


anthropology, medical anthropology, conventional medicine, unconventional medicine


The text reviews the first and so far the only comprehensive Russian coursebook on medical anthropology intended for humanities and medicine students, teachers, as well as academic researchers of various levels. In 2019, the definition of “medical anthropology” has become 60 years old. The review touches upon the coursebook author’s coverage of the early days of medical anthropology and formation of the attitude to this academic field abroad and in Russia; discussed is the author’s concept of the possibility to increase societal awareness of medical anthropology, to organize a medical anthropology teaching system, as well as the prospects for self-realization of medical anthropology experts in Russia, where structural conditions are significantly different from those in the West, while the demand in experts is objectively growing each year.


  1. Engel, G. L. (1977) The Need for a New Medical Model: A Challenge for Biomedicine, Science, New Series, Vol. 196. (4286), p. 129–136.
  2. Fabrega, H. (1975) The Need for an Ethnomedical Science, Science, Vol. 189 (4207), p. 969–975.
  3. Harner, M.J. (1980) The Way of the Shaman, N.-Y.
  4. Harner, M.J. (1990) Put’ shamana ili shamanskaja praktika. Rukovodstvo po obreteniju sily i celitel’stvu [The way of a shaman or shamanistic practice. Strength and Healing Guide], Moscow.
  5. Hemmings, C.P. (2005) Rethinking Medical Anthropology: How Anthropology is Failing Medicine, Anthropology and Medicine, Vol. 12(2), p. 91–103.
  6. Kelanovsky, T. (1968) Propedevtika mediciny[Propaedeutics of medicine], translated from Polish, Moscow: Medicine.
  7. Kharitonova, V.I. (2014) Nekonvencional’naja medicina v sovremennoj Rossii [Inconventional medicine in modern Russia], Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika[Medical anthropology and bioethics], № 1 (7) ( (07.06.2019).
  8. Kharitonova, V.I. (2016) Obrazovatel’no-professional’nye aspekty obespechenija zdorov’esberezhenija [Educational and professional aspects of ensuring health], Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika[Medical anthropology and bioethics], №1 (11) ( (07.06.2019).
  9. Kharitonova, V.I., Michel, D.V. (2012) Medicinskaja antropologija kak vuzovskaja disciplina v Rossii [Medical anthropology as a university discipline in Russia], Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika[Medical anthropology and bioethics], № 2 (4) ( (07.06.2019).
  10. Kharitonova, V.I., Potapov, V.N. (2011) Integrativnaja medicina – jeto medicina budushhego [Integrative medicine is the medicine of the future], Medicinskaja antropologija i biojetika[Medical anthropology and bioethics], № 1 (1) ( (07.06.2019).
  11. Michel, D.V. (2010а) Istorija social’noj antropologii (medicinskaja antropologija)[History of Social Anthropology (Medical Anthropology)], a Tutorial, Saratov: Nauchnaja kniga.
  12. Michel, D.V. (2010б) Social’naja antropologija medicinskih sistem: medicinskaja antropologija[Social anthropology of medical systems: medical anthropology], a Tutorial, Saratov: Novyj proekt.
  13. Michel, D.V. (2010с) Social’naja antropologija zdorov’ja i reprodukcii: medicinskaja antropologija[Social Anthropology of Health and Reproduction: Medical Anthropology], a Tutorial, Saratov: Novyj proekt.
  14. Mudrov, M.Ya. (1949) Izbrannye proizvedenija[Selected Works], Moscow: AMS USSR.

Author Biography

  • Buldakova Yu.R., Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

    Academic degrees, membership in RAS and RAMS:

    • Ph.D. in Medicine (2009).

    Place of main work, position:

    • Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. A.I. Evdokimova



