Theoretical Approaches To Obstetric Practices Studies And Texts About Childbirth



  • KUKSA T.L. Institute for Public Administration and Governance, Higher School of Economics


natural childbirth, medicalized childbirth, home childbirth, hospital childbirth, traditional childbirth rite, urban obstetric practices, partner childbirth, doula’s care, childbirth narratives, transformation of Russian obstetrics, obstetrics medicalization, reproductive control


The article reviews key Russian and foreign studies of perinatal culture. Explored are various theoretical approaches to studying and analyzing obstetric practices and texts about childbirth; also brought up is the diversity of problems, concepts and methods applied in studies of childbirth culture and obstetrics in Russian and foreign academia. Materials for the review and analysis are academic publications by Russian and English-language researchers of the last 40 years.


  1. Avdeeva A.V. (2018) «Esli my slomaem nogu, my poidem v travmu, konechno»: osobennosti vzaimodeistviia rossiiskikh posledovatel’nits estestvennogo roditel’stva s ofitsial’noi meditsinoi [“If we break our leg, we will be injured, of course”: features of the interaction of Russian followers of natural parenthood with official medicine], Antropologicheskii forum [Forum for Anthropology and Culture], №37, p.151–176.
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  12. Belousova, E.A. (2003a) Sovremennyi rodil’nyi obriad [Modern maternity rite], Sbornik: Sovremennyi gorodskoi fol’klor [Collection: Modern urban folklore], Moscow: RGGU, p. 339–370.
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  15. Borozdina, E.A. (2014b) «Iazyk nauki i iazyk liubvi»: legitimatsiia nezavisimoi akusherskoi praktiki v Rossii [Language of science and language of love: the legitimation of independent midwifery practice in Russia], Laboratorium, № 6 (1), p. 30–59.
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  41. Novkunskaia, A.A. (2018) Biudzhetnye gospital’nye rody v rossiiskoi sisteme zdravookhraneniia: razlichiia v podkhodakh [Budget hospital delivery in the Russian healthcare system: differences in approaches], Antropologicheskii forum [Forum for Anthropology and Culture], №37, p.177–197.
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  48. Ozhiganova, A.A. (2017a) Stanovlenie i praktika nezavisimogo akusherstva. Interv’iu s nezavisimoi akusherkoi [Formation and practice of independent obstetrics. Interview with an Independent Midwife], Meditsinskaia Antropologiia i Bioetika [Medical Anthropology and Bioethics], № 2 (14).
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  50. Ozhiganova, A.A. (2019) Zabota o sebe, zabota o drugikh: praktiki vzaimodeĭstviia zhenshchin i akusherok v domashnikh rodakh [Caring for oneself, caring for others: practices of the interaction of women and midwives in home birth], Sbornik: Kriticheskaia sotsiologiia zabota: perekrestki sotsial’nogo neravenstva (pod red. E. Borozdinoi, E. Zdravomyslovoi, A. Temkinoi) [Collection: Critical Sociology of Care: Crossroads of Social Inequality (edited by E. Borozdina, E. Zdravomyslova, A. Temkina)], St. Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo EUSPb, p. 139–168.
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Author Biography

  • KUKSA T.L., Institute for Public Administration and Governance, Higher School of Economics

    Current employment, position:

    • Head of Legislative Reforms Department at the Institute for Public Administration and Governance, Higher School of Economics (Moscow).





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