«It is important to understand personality not from materialistic perspective». Interview with T.A. Listova





history of ethnography, ethnography of Russians, ethnic identity, Russian-­Ukrainian borderlands, spiritual culture of Russians


S.S. Alymov’s interview with ethnographer T.A. Listova discusses both the biography of the researcher and her views on the ethnography of Russians and the development of this field in the 1970s‑2020s. In the first part, Listova talks about her family, childhood and education. Further, she dwells on her study of family rituals, the work of the sector of the Eastern Slavs / Russian people, the researches of the sector and its key specialists. The final part is devoted to the study of the population of the Russian-­Ukrainian borderland, their ethnic identity, as well as the tasks of studying the concept of person in the ethnic culture of Russians.

Author Biographies

  • Sergei Sergei , Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS

    Senior researcher

  • Tatiana Listova, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS

     Senior researcher


