© 2016 Valentina Ivanovna KHARITONOVA

2016 — №2 (12)

ВИKeywords: medical anthropology, bioethics, evidence-based medicine, ethnopharmacology, non-conventional medicine, medical systems, practices and methods, traditional medicine, traditional medical systems (TMS), Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), homeopathy, phytotherapy

Abstract: This piece presents information on the 11th International School of Medical Anthropology and Bioethics which was held in the Fall of 2016 at the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow). The school was organized and conducted by the Russian Association of Medical Anthropologists and the Center for Medical Anthropology at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, jointly with the laboratory for the development and preclinical research of pharmaceuticals of the First Moscow State Medical University. The themes presented at the school were determined by the interests of students of the pharmacy department, their needs for additional education. The international team of speakers focused on general issues of bioethics and medical anthropology, peculiarities of modern TMS (traditional medical systems), such as Ayurveda and TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), phytotherapy and pharmacology.

20161111_100245During the school the students attended the following lectures:

  • “Bioethics: origins, specificity, history” (Pavel Teshchenko)
  • “What is medical anthropology?” (Dmitry Mikhel)
  • “Medical systems, practices, methods in the context of medical anthropology” (Valentina Kharitonova)
  • “The practice of Ayurveda – tracing its origin and practice to current status in India” (Jisha Jayasree)
  • “Global Ayurveda” and the biomedicalization of the traditional medical system (TMS) (Natalya Kotova)
  • “Homeopathy as a method and as a doctrine: an attempt at historical reconstructions” (Mark Golovisnin)
  • “Modernity and the shaping of traditional medical system in China” (Christos Lynteris)
  • “Foundations of traditional Chinese medicine” (Olga Safonicheva)
  • “Teaching traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in Chinese universities” (Lyudmila Pavlova)
  • “Phytotherapy in ancient and modern Bulgaria” (Iliyana Yaneva-Balabanska)
  • “The heritage of Tibetan medicine: the translation of Tibetan botanico-pharmacognostic texts” (Tamara Aseeva)
  • “Traditions of herbal medicine on the territory of the modern Republic of Tuva” (Lyudmila Pavlova)


Mikhel’, D.V. (2010) Sotsial’naia antropologiia meditsinskikh sistem: meditsinskaia antropologiia: Uch. pos. dlia studentov [Social anthropology of medical systems: medical anthropology: Uch. pos. for students], Saratov: Novyi proekt.

Moiseev, V.I. (2013) O printsipakh mediko-gumanitarnogo obrazovaniia [On the principles of medical and humanitarian education], Medical anthropology and bioethics, № 2(6) (http://www.medanthro.ru/?page_id=1769).

Kharitonova V.I., Mikhel’ D.V. (2012) Medical anthropology as a university subject in Russia, Medical anthropology and bioethics, № 4(2) (http://www.medanthro.ru/?page_id=1121&lang=en).

Kharitonova V.I., Khrustalev Iu.M. (2011) Bioethics as Academic Subject in the Higher Education System, Medical anthropology and bioethics, № 1 (http://www.medanthro.ru/?page_id=721&lang=en).

Kharitonova, V.I. (2016a) Meditsina budushchego: konsul’tativnye professii v sfere zdravookhraneniia, Reforma zdravookhraneniia: panatseia ili problema [Future medicine: advisory professions in health care, Health care reform: a panacea or problem], Prakticheskii opyt zakonodatel’noi initsiativy Minzdrava i puti ispravleniia oshibok [Practical experience of the legislative initiative of the Ministry of Health and ways to correct mistakes], M.: Izdanie Gosudarstvennoi Dumy, p. 59–64.

Kharitonova, V.I. (2016b) Educational And Professional Aspects Of Providing Health Care, Medical anthropology and bioethics, № 1(11) (http://www.medanthro.ru/?page_id=2691&lang=en).

Kharitonova, V.I. (2016v) Meditsinskaia antropologiia v kontekste biomeditsinskogo obrazovaniia [Medical anthropology in the context of biomedical education], Filosofskie problemy biologii i meditsiny. Materialy 10-oi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii. Vyp. 10. Mnogoobrazie biomeditsinskogo opyta i znaniia [Philosophical problems of biology and medicine. Materials of the 10th scientific-practical conference. Issue. 10. The diversity of biomedical expertise and knowledge], Saratov, p. 19–22.

This article is available in full version in Russian

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