© 2016 T. A. Sidorova, L.B. Sandakova, Е. Y. Zhichina
Abstract: The article provides philosophical and methodological analysis of the sources of transformation of procreation norms and values. The analysis is based on a phenomenological study of women’s participation in IVF programs. Procreation is considered as a process of human reproduction in culture. The norms fix the value-semantic content of procreation. Procreation eliminates moral norms when terminal values are replaced by instrumental values. As a result, the creational meaning of human reproduction is destroyed. Phenomenology of experiences of women in IVF clinics is presented in three stages: diagnosis of infertility, IVF and reproductive decision-making. The article illustrates the process of complication of responsibilities for women which happens alongside her moral self-identification. As the result, the change in cultural norms of procreation happens under repressive influence of instrumental and technological approach to reproduction.
Keywords: procreation, reproduction, assisted reproductive technologies, norms, values, moral values, bioethics.
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